Uncategorized – foodieoncampus.com http://www.foodieoncampus.com best essay writing ideas Fri, 22 Sep 2023 17:36:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://www.foodieoncampus.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/929/2022/01/cropped-fav-1-32x32.png Uncategorized – foodieoncampus.com http://www.foodieoncampus.com 32 32 How to Come Up With a Good Essay Title: Best Tips http://www.foodieoncampus.com/title-of-an-essay.html http://www.foodieoncampus.com/title-of-an-essay.html#respond Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:11:31 +0000 http://www.foodieoncampus.com/?p=53 Before attaining graduation, students must have written different academic papers such as essays. Although some students feel writing essays is a complex task, it is a simple process when you have the right materials, knowledge, and positive attitude. Essay writing begins by selecting the title of an essay. Sometimes, students have the freedom to choose their preferred title, and at some moment, the professors assign already decided topics. In whichever case, always be ready as a student to face any given topic that comes your way. Should you have the freedom to pick a topic, use the following concepts for positive results.

Tips on selecting an essay title:

Going through college essay title examples

Essay writing is something that has been on for the longest time. That is why when you research online, you will get thousands of best title examples at ibuyessay. Each title will give you an idea of what you need to write about. The essay title will also give you the direction on whether the essay is a narrative, an expository, an argumentative, or descriptive.

Discuss essay title examples with fellow students

Discussing with fellow students about different titles for essay writing is the best approach. In the group, you will understand measures to take and come out with the best topic. Through the discussion process, ensure you write important points that can help you in one way or the other.

Watch a show explaining what a good title for essay entails

Many content creators specialize in helping students hack academic work with great tips. Search for such videos and get the best ideas on developing creative titles for essay writing. As you listen, note down crucial points that you will need for revision.

Ask your teacher how to come up with a title for an essay

Your tutors should be your number one resource when you need help with academic work. Create some time and schedule an appointment with your teacher. Explain your weak areas and concepts you don’t understand when creating titles for essay writing. The teacher will give you a workable plan you can follow and improve in your weak areas.

Google ideas on how to make a good essay title

As a student, always make google your number one priority. Check some of the ideas you can include in your title to make it catchy during your free moments. For instance, you will realize you need to use some keywords to ensure the title brings out the intended meaning. Also, you will realize the use of different punctuations have a significant impact on how you write the title. Again, the title should match the thesis/theme of the entire essay.

Know the basics of how to title an essay

Giving an essay a title isn’t just about creating words and bringing them together to make a sentence like you could when writing other non-academic work. The teacher starts awarding marks from the title itself. The basics of any essay title include the following:

  • Easy to read – Avoid using complicated phrases that force the reader to use a dictionary to get the meaning. Be unique but simple.
  • Short and straight – If you write long titles, you will mix up the ideas and confuse the reader.
  • Use active voice – Make sure your essay title is active and not a passive one.
  • Attractive – Well, imagine a boring title; even the reader will switch off immediately they realize your topic isn’t appealing.
  • Accuracy – Some students always decide to write a false title when they feel the overall topic is complicated. Be as accurate as possible when writing your title because you will have to defend your point of view in the main body. Your teacher doesn’t have to read false information unless you want to fail in the essay.

Take notes on writing the title of an essay

Finally, during the class session, when the teacher is teaching essay writing, always write personal notes that you can reference any time you want to create a title. There is no harm in reading through some notes to clarify some concepts.


Writing an essay has different sections that are equally important. However, the theme/title of the essay is what will determine the weight of your essay and how you will deliver the requirements from the teacher. Use the above tips as your starting point, and you will never go wrong.

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Tips on How to Write an Essay About Food Waste http://www.foodieoncampus.com/food-waste-essay.html http://www.foodieoncampus.com/food-waste-essay.html#respond Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:11:07 +0000 http://www.foodieoncampus.com/?p=52 Students can either choose the topics or get ready topics from the tutors with the requirements during essay writing. In case you get a food waste essay topic, you should incorporate different ideas in the paper to match the teacher’s requirements. Remember to keep your focus high and produce the perfect paper for better grades. However, if you aren’t sure how to work on such a topic to bring out the best, the tips explained below will give you a smooth turning point to follow and write the best paper.

Proven tips on crafting the best essay on food waste:

First, you are already familiar with the topic since, at some point, you have witnessed how other people have wasted food before, or you have as well wasted food and realized its impact later. The fact that you have an idea of what food wastage is doesn’t imply you can start writing the essay right away. Use the following approaches to ensure you stay on track. 

Write a rough essay on food waste 500 words

Start by writing a short essay of, let’s say, 500 words to weigh your understanding of the topic. Ask yourself, can I gather relevant points without diving into much research? Once you write a sample essay of 500 words, revise through with a professional as you ask several questions to know if you are on track. 

Read through an example essay on food waste and its impact

Another move you need to take is searching for a similar essay with a broad topic. For instance, a topic like food waste and impact has many points with perfect explanations, and it can give you an idea of where to begin from.

Discuss an essay on waste of food with other students

While in school, make a group to share essay ideas on food wastage with other students of similar interests. In such a discussion, the level of understanding is always top-notch since it is easy to interact with fellow students and ask as many questions as possible compared to a teacher.

Watch a show explaining essay writing on food waste

We are in a high-tech era, and you will get many content creators have a show for academic purposes. Research for such a show or a channel on YouTube to understand how you can perfect the ideas and make them a reality when writing your final paper for submission.

Explore a food waste argumentative essay

An argumentative essay on any topic is a perfect approach to help you analyze different ideas and defend your argument. Remember, when writing an essay on food waste, you must provide strong points and explain why the statements are true. You can learn better how to defend your points by exploring such argumentative essay examples.

Analyze food waste in America essay

In America, the population is large enough to help you evaluate the impact of food wastage. Going through such an essay will give you many ideas and facts that will create room in your mind for more exploration. This move will help you include strong points in your paper and relevant explanations.

Understand how to start an essay about food waste

While writing a food essay, the information you begin with has a lot of weight on whether your paper will stay relevant or not. The reader can understand your paper’s direction by reading the contents in the first sections. That is why it is crucial to include only relevant concepts that will hook the teacher to read your paper to the end.


Essay writing on food-related matters is a common concept we all experience at some point in our lives. When you get such a topic as a student, you must ensure that your ideas and concepts flow perfectly and make sense. Do not assume the topic is that simple. Take time and incorporate the above ideas in your research plan and score higher.

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Smart Guide to Writing an Essay About Organic Food http://www.foodieoncampus.com/organic-food-essay.html http://www.foodieoncampus.com/organic-food-essay.html#respond Thu, 13 Jan 2022 11:50:10 +0000 http://www.foodieoncampus.com/?p=27 Essay writing is a technical task that students must accomplish before finishing their respective courses. Such academic papers add great marks to the student’s progress and can determine if you will graduate or not. That is why it is significant to do good research, gather the best ideas and compile them based on the professor’s requirements. The topics vary, and as a student, you must always be ready to face any topic that comes your way. For instance, what if you are tasked to write an organic food essay? What will be your starting point? How will you gather perfect ideas? And how will you structure your paper for the best marks? The tips below will help you crack such an essay with ease.

Proven tips on writing an essay about organic food:

The tips explained below are meant to give you a smooth path when you get an essay topic related to organic food. Do not view the topic as complex because you can crack the topic and produce the best paper ever with the simple approaches below.

Read an essay on organic food example

There is power in reading and exploring ideas. Ther are pioneers who have already written great essays on the same topic. As a student, create time for reading through such essays to get a clear picture of what you need to include in your paper and how the ideas should flow. Read as many examples as possible as you note the similarities for revision purposes.

Write an organic food essay for practice purposes

After reading through several examples, you need to weigh your level of understanding. The best way to weigh if you have grasped the concept is by writing an essay on the same topic and checking for errors with your fellow students or your teacher. This move will give you a perfect understanding of what you must do to stay on track and produce the best paper.

Take note of an organic food essay introduction

Before you start writing an essay on organic food, you need to explore the ideas that you will include in the introduction. The introduction section carries more weight as it will determine whether the reader will keep reading or switch off. While writing ideas on this section, think of a way you can hook the reader and give them the reasons to keep reading your paper to the end. Also, do not include any irrelevant information here, be straight to the point.

Write an organic food essay outline

Once you get a topic on the organic food essay, do not hurry to start writing the final paper immediately. Create an outline or a rough draft that will guide you throughout your writing. This move will simplify your writing experience and save you more time. In the outline, include ideas you need to write in each section. Also, include points of reference in case you need to elaborate on a given point when writing the final paper. The ideas you include in the main body should flow nicely. Make sure you start with strong points you can elaborate well and faster as you move to the weak ones.

Understand the basics of writing an organic food ethics essay

Get out of the way and explore writing an ethics essay on organic food. This move will give you a better understanding of what you need to include in your paper and incorporate all your points to make sense to the reader. Exploring complex processes lets you have a bold stand when defending your points and ideas in the final paper for submission.


Essay topics on organic food are quite common. When you get such a topic, you need to maintain uniqueness and new concepts. The only way to achieve this is by using the above tips to ensure you stay relevant throughout your writing.

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Top How to Write an Essay About Fast Food: Top Ideas http://www.foodieoncampus.com/fast-food-essay.html http://www.foodieoncampus.com/fast-food-essay.html#respond Thu, 13 Jan 2022 11:49:24 +0000 http://www.foodieoncampus.com/?p=25 Essay writing is among the significant tasks students should accomplish before graduation day. The essay topics vary depending on some reasons. Sometimes as a student, you can get the freedom to pick your favorite topic, and sometimes you just get an already selected topic you should write about. Imagine getting a fast food essay; how will you go about it? Although the topic might seem basic to handle, you need to understand the required aspects to consider to bring out the best essay. That is why this article explores the best ideas you can use to craft the best food essay.

Tips to consider when writing an essay about fast food:

Use the ideas below to ensure you stay in the requirements bracket and write a good essay about food.

Read through an example essay on fast food

Sometimes, reading through the actual essay is the real deal. Research online and get essays related to fast food. Still, you can get many examples from the library and explore them. Read as many examples as possible as you note down the similarities. With time, you will master the concept and the perfect format and arrange your ideas to flow smoothly.

Explore a fast food argumentative essay

Consider reading through an argumentative food essay. Such an essay will give you balanced arguments related to food. Besides, such an essay example will enable you to get the best ideas on defending your points when explaining them in the main body.

Try and write a fast food cause and effect essay

Practice always leads to perfection. As a student, schedule some time and write an essay explaining the causes and effects of fast food. As much as you will be required to do some research, you can already relate to some of the ideas personally. Arrange your flow of ideas and go through the essay with your professors and highlight any possible mistakes in each section. Doing this will make you not repeat the mistakes when writing a paper for submission.

Discuss fast food essay ideas with fellow students

While in school, form a group with other students who have similar interests as you. During the discussion, let each student explain their understanding of writing the perfect essay on food. You can also include a session of questions and answers to ensure you don’t leave any stone unturned.

Research ideas on fast food persuasive essay

Writing an essay about food entails a lot. You can’t be sure what the tutor will expect from you when you get such a topic. When doing some practice, go through different varieties of essays related to food. You can watch a video explaining ideas on crafting a persuasive essay or read some materials from online platforms.

Define what junk food essay is

Fast foods as the same as junk foods. Before you begin writing an essay about fast food, you need to understand junk food. There are plenty of materials you can use to define junk food until you have a better understanding. Go overboard and read through the effects of such foods. Remember to note down short notes for easy reference when revising.

Other ideas that can help you with fast food essay writing include:

  • Reading through an effect of fast food essay.
  • Discussing an essay on fast food nation and its impacts on people with your teacher.
  • Writing a general fast food nation essay.
  • Writing down best food essay topics.
  • Draft a “should school sell junk food essay” example topic.


Essay writing is an art that calls for creativity and a good flow of ideas. When you have to write an essay on food matters, be sure to define the food category before you dive into extensive research. The idea is to stay relevant and produce the best results the professor expects from you as a student.

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